Miami Collegium Musicum

Miami’s community chamber choir consists of 24-30 singers of all backgrounds and ages. All are volunteers who make a commitment to learn music outside of regular Monday evening rehearsals, so that the ensemble can focus on musicality and performance considerations. If you are interested in singing with Collegium, contact us!

Serenade to Motherhood

Serenade to Motherhood

Join us Mother's Day weekend in partnership with Miami-Dade County as we perform works celebrating motherhood, including those by female composers who continue to enrich the choral canon. Click below for more information and a link to tickets.

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Welcome Matthew Brady!

Welcome Matthew Brady!

After founding and over 45 years of keeping Collegium Musicum on track and performing, through some spectacular times and some harder years, our beloved Dr. Donald Oglesby is taking a well-earned retirement. This year, we welcome Matthew Brady to our musical family. He already has some wonderful plans for us in the coming year and beyond.

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Want to support our singing?

Want to support our singing?

Miami Collegium Musicum is a nonprofit organization that relies on the support of the community to continue to spread the joy of choral music. Visit our Donate page to view donation and sponsorship opportunities.

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